Since 2011 the PC team have hosted more than 25 church groups, school groups and individuals from New Zealand, Australia and beyond. The main goal of these trips is to expose these groups to Khmer culture and give them the opportunity to build connection and relationships with the Cambodians that the PC team work alongside every day. We have found that having our main focus on relationship building has helped us to avoid some of the pitfalls of dependancy that can occur with foreigners coming to "help". If you'd like further information about joining us for a while, please contact us via the contact form on our homepage.

Mentoring & discipleship is and will continue to be the foundation of our organisation. We believe that mentoring and discipleship is most successful when it is worked out in the context of ongoing relationship. With this as one of our guiding principles, we seek to build our young people up in a family atmosphere where they are accepted and encouraged. We help our young people to see and experience who they are in Christ and the freedom that comes from that understanding. We seek to help our young people find purpose in life and release them into that purpose. We support some of our young people through tertiary education and others through courses and church ministry internships. We see each of our young people as unique individuals created in God's image and seek to encourage them in that understanding and treat them accordingly. If you'd like to support us in this vital part of our ministry, please contact us via the contact form on our homepage.
As our young people continue to grow in their faith and life, we are seeing them reach out into the rural villages to teach children in Sunday school, pray for the sick and to train the next generation in English, computer & various musical instruments. A number of our young people have returned to their home village, subsequent to finishing their studies in the City, to serve both part time and full time in the local Church.

Cambodians are a very talented people and music is one of the passions of many of our young people. A number of our young people have now been through a worship internship in a local Church ministry and we are currently offering 2 classes a week, taught by the graduates, to others who want to learn to play a musical instrument. Several of the youth have written their own worship songs as well as translating others from English to Khmer. You can check them out below
In 2016 Partnership Cambodia built a football field with an artificial turf and light towers as well as two volleyball courts in a self contained complex in one of the rural villages that we are connected to. This may have been the first of its kind in rural Cambodia and has become a hub for the community to gather for sports, bbqs and fellowship. Our young people arrange football competitions quarterly where we get up to 10 teams from around the district competing for a trophy. This sports facility is an important part of providing much needed healthy expressions of competition and helps to keep young people from destructive vices which often come as a result of boredom. Due to the harsh climate and constant usage, the football field requires regular maintenance. Should you wish to contribute to our maintenance fund, please contact us via the contact form on our homepage.

As Cambodia continues to develop and grow and as the Church grows larger, we believe that there is, and will increasingly be, a need for places where particularly Church and Ministry leadership can get away for times of spiritual, emotional and physical refreshing. With this in mind, we have purchased some land in a beautiful rural setting 1 hrs drive from Phnom Penh. We are currently seeking funding to build a facility to cater for this vision. We envisage that this place will become an important part of the life of the Church in Cambodia as people learn about the importance of rest and withdrawal as modeled by Jesus in the Gospels. If you would like to know more about how you can support us in this endeavour to help people in Cambodia get the rest and retreat that they need, then please contact us via the contact form on our homepage.
Our team of young people have run several youth camps and events in rural areas since 2015 with a focus on worship, teaching, team building, sports and fun. These have been great events, however we've often been restricted by space and lack of facilities to accomodate large numbers of young people. We also face challenges transporting equipment out into the rural areas. Recently we have purchased a hectare of land in the southwestern region of Cambodia near the mountains. Our vision is to build a facility to be used as a youth/family camp to serve the needs of the wider Church in Cambodia. We are currently seeking financial support for this vision and have set up a crowd funding site for that purpose. If you are interested in supporting this vision financially, please click here.